Abortion Support Program (ASP)


If you’re here you may be looking for information about or support for an abortion.

We’re here to help

We provide emotional and practical support to anyone navigating abortion in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Areas. We’re not abortion providers or therapists - as doulas, we fill the gaps between these roles that often result in barriers to abortion access to help things go as smoothly as possible for our clients. Below you’ll find descriptions of the ways we can help.

We don’t currently offer pregnancy options counseling ourselves, however, if you’re pregnant and want to explore your options you can find information and trusted resources on our pregnancy options support page.



Abortion Doula Support

If you’re planning to have an abortion and would like a doula to support you. Our doulas provide compassionate and inclusive one-on-one support to people before, during, and after abortions of any kind, at any time in pregnancy, and for any reason. We also support people who are accessing procedures and medication for pregnancy loss.

After Abortion Emotional Support

If you’ve had an abortion and would like resources or to talk about your experience with someone supportive and non-judgemental. It doesn’t matter how long it has been since your abortion (days, weeks, months, years) or how you feel about it, we’re here for you.

Find a provider, travel, or financial support

If you’re trying to find a provider or resources to travel and pay for your abortion. Our Abortion Access FAQ answers many common questions and you can request Logistical Support if you don’t find what you need.

Self-guided & community resources  

If you’d like to explore abortion support resources on your own first. We’ve gathered many categories of resources for support before, during, and after abortions, including ones that are self-guided, peer-led, and offered by professionals.

Abortion Doula Training

If you’re interested in learning how to provide abortion support, We offer Abortion Doula Training. For up-to-date information and to join our training mailing list, visit our training website.



Birth Mark is a registered charity organization and all our services are free to clients. We operate from a reproductive justice lens that supports all pregnancy decisions and we are a member of the National Abortion Federation. 

If you’d like to support our work, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to our organization.