Find Resources by Location

Browse our interactive Google resource maps

The resources we have compiled are organized by location on searchable Google maps. Types of support are categorized by colour. Follow the resource map legend and instructions below to find the resource that best fits your need.


How to use our interactive maps:

  • Please select the map which best suits your needs: for birthing and pregnant people or parents and caregivers

  • Click on the button below - this will take you to a Google Maps webpage where our interactive map lives

  • The maps consist of different layers that address various needs

  • Open all layers of the map or the layers of your choice. Once viewing the selected map layer(s), you can decide which resource(s) best matches your needs based on the matching pinpoint in the Resource Map Legend

  • Click on the pinpoints that best match your needs


    If you would like to search for youth housing, you can 

    1. Click the Youth Resource layer of the Parenting Resources Map.

    2. Browse through the Housing markers, which are yellow

    3. Select the appropriate resource


Interactive resource map for pregnant and birthing people.


Interactive resource map for parents and caregivers.


Resource Map Legend


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