Birth Mark’s Position on Anti-Racism


Last Updated: May 2023

Anti-racism is a necessary foundation to all care work and we believe that it is necessary for change to begin with the folks who lead and hold power within our organization. We have made the following specific and actionable commitments for 2023 in addition to our core values to help us intentionally work toward our goal of becoming an anti-racist organization. 

Operations and Organizational Structure

  • Actively seek ways to make Birth Mark’s internal culture an anti-racist environment 

  • Prioritize locally IBPGM owned businesses for supplies and resources for Birth Mark operations

  • Hold an internal review of these commitments annually in January and as needed if issues arise to ensure accountability

  • Hold a meeting mid-year with Birth Mark’s Diversity & Inclusion Board Director to assess our progress on our anti-racism commitments

Client Services

  • Maintain a resource list of IBPGM care providers and allied professionals in an effort to make more culturally aware client referrals 

  • Create a space for clients to express cultural/identity preferences when requesting doula support

    • Prioritize diversity and inclusion in our hiring, recruitment, and retention practices to ensure we can meet these preferences

Access to doula training for IBPGM

  • Continue providing doula training scholarship opportunities with autonomy to select preferred training opportunities

  • Provide sponsored spots in our own training initiatives

Professional Development

  • Review and update our anti-racism educational plan for team members

  • Continue to require annual anti-oppression training for team members

  • Seek educational opportunities that help us develop a decolonial lens for internal organization operations

  • Update our systems for receiving feedback from our community (clients, team members, partners, etc.) 

Community Engagement

  • Actively build relationships with other community supports that serve IBPGM communities

  • Hold community partners and affiliated organizations accountable for oppressive practices by calling them in, creating awareness, or offering resources and opportunities for education. When necessary, end relationships with organizations and individuals who don’t share our commitment to anti-oppression. 

Birth Mark’s Board of Directors'  is responsible for evaluating the achievement of these commitments through an annual audit led by our Diversity & Inclusion Board Director to ensure Feedback and comments on Birth Mark’s achievement of these commitments can be submitted to