6 Suggestions for a Sweat-Free Summer in the City - Pregnancy Edition

With rising temperatures, staying cool in the city can be challenging. Adding pregnancy into the mix can make it feel impossible! It is important to keep your body temperature regulated as pregnancy can put you at a higher risk of developing heat exhaustion or heat stroke. Know the signs of heat exhaustion and heat stroke, and if you are experiencing any of these symptoms, get to a cool place and call your doctor.

Here are some ideas from Birth Mark doulas to help you keep cool on those days when you can’t avoid the heat!

  1. Wear loose, light coloured, and breathable clothing, or carry an umbrella when out in the sun.

  2. Keep skin care and/or moisturizer in the fridge for a cool pick-me-up, and avoid using thick or heavy products.

  3. Carry a handheld fan or spray bottle with cold water to cool you down while you’re out.

  4. A cool (not cold!) foot bath can help quickly cool the body and has the added bonus of reducing swollen ankles/feet!

  5. Yoga breathing techniques to cool the body: Breathe through your mouth with your tongue curled at the sides. This can help introduce moisture to your system and help you breathe through the heat! If you can’t curl your tongue, try breathing through your mouth with your teeth closed. 

  6. Keep a wet cloth in the fridge or a shirt in the freezer for when you get home to lay around your neck, against your cheeks, the soles of your feet, or your palms! 

In addition to these individual actions we can take to keep cool, the most sustainable solution to beating the heat is to support the climate justice movement - climate justice is reproductive justice! Here is a list of local and national climate justice organizations to support:

Climate Justice TO

Black Creek Community Farm

International Indigenous Youth Council

Indigenous Environmental Network

Toronto Climate Action Network

SummerBirth Mark